The Institute for Marine Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, was officially founded in February 2008. Its mission is to design and fabricate special marine materials to further facilitate the progress of the marine economy in China. Marine Materials Science and Engineering is an exciting, advancing key discipline in the university through the combination of materials science and other marine disciplines impacting on some new research areas. The institute is dedicated to high-quality materials research for marine exploration, mainly covering materials corrosion and protection, engineering materials, ecomaterials, functional nanomaterials, biomaterials and biomedical materials.

The state’s pioneering institute for marine materials is equipped with both a highly-regarded faculty and modern research facilities, as well as creative students. The faculty includes distinguished professor of the ‘Chang Jiang Scholars Program’, the Shanghai Shuguang scholars, and the Shanghai Chenguang scholars. The laboratories of the institute, which occupy over 3000 square meters, are furnished with state-of-the-art equipment for various materials research activities, from materials processing to characterization and analysis, as well as high-level professional training.

Hundreds of projects are running well in the institute, in spite of it having only been established for one year. These projects are supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Ministry of Transport of China, as well as some industrial companies. Hundreds of archival papers and patents have been published and several “R&Ds” also have been established.

The institute is now making great strides towards becoming an international center of comprehensive marine materials research, promoting the rapid development of the national high-tech marine industry and cultivating excellent scientific talents for the sustainable economic development of China.