Food, Shops & Bars

Places to eat

»»Hai’xin canteen in North Life Plaza, including A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 (for Muslims)

»»Hai’qin canteen near the library, including B1, B2, B3

»»Hai’lian canteen near your dorm, including C1, C2, and C3

»» The Central Bakery in the North Life Plaza (open every day from 7:00 to 21:00)

Canteen opening hours

Breakfast: 6:30-8:30 Lunch: 10:45-12:30 Dinner: 16:30-18:15

All the canteens except A5 are closed on either Saturday or Sunday. You’ll find

signs at the entrance of each canteen.

Dining Card

You will get your dining card during registration. You can save some money on the card in order to buy food at the university canteens. The card can be charged in the following ways:

»»Option 1: Charge your card with cash at service centre

Hai’qin canteen (2nd floor) / Hai’lian canteen (1st floor)

Student Card Service Center, room A301 of library

(working hours: Monday to Saturday)

»»Option 2: Charge your card with cash at an automatic charging machine:

Hai’xin canteen (1st floor) / Hai’lian canteen (1st floor)

»»Option 3: Charge your card with your bank card using the multimedia

machine on the first floor of each canteen