Frequent Questions & Answers

Q: How many majors and disciplines can international students apply for?
A: SMU has a complete discipline structures for international students. We offer programs for Chinese language, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and doctor’s degree. Besides the Chinese language courses for language students, all undergraduate and graduate program are open for application.


Q: How to apply the Shanghai Government Scholarship for International Students?
A: The Shanghai Government Scholarship for International Students has three levels. Class A is usually open for students pursuing Ph.D degree or Master's degree, Class B for master’s degree or bachelor’s degree, and Class C for bachelor’s degree or language students. Please download application form from our website, and submit it with other materials.


Q: What is your requirement for Chinese language proficiency for international students applying degree program?
A: International students applying for bachelor’s degree and master’s degree must obtain a new HSK-5 and new HSK 4 respectively. We don’t have specific requirement about Chinese language for students applying doctor’s degree.


Q: If I miss the deadline for application, and register after the semester begins, can I still be enrolled by your university?
A: Yes, it depends on the program. We carry out quite flexible registration method on Chinese language program. Even if you miss the deadline for application, we will still help you to complete the necessary registration procedures and visa application procedures. And, based on your actual language proficiency, you will be placed into the suitable study level.


Q: What activities for international students will be usually held by your university during each semester?
A: Each semester, our university will organize international students to participate in such activities as mutual aid and cooperation between international students and Chinese volunteer students, Shanghai International Students Dragon Boat Race, New Year’s Party, One-day Trip to the famous scenic spots, etc. with the aim of deepening their understanding of Chinese society and Chinese culture.