海外专家讲座:Seaport Automobile Terminal Modelling

Seaport Automobile Terminal Modelling 基于排队论的整车运输船装卸过程建模
Prof.Dr.Branislav DRAGOVIĆ,the University of Montenegro, Montenegro
星期二, 十一月 19, 2019 - 10:15


Dr.Branislav M. Dragović,Email: branod@ac.me

BranislavDragović is Professor at theMaritime Faculty of the University ofMontenegro. He received his B.S.(Department of Sea Port and ShippingDepartment) and M.S. in MaritimeTransport and Traffic from MaritimeFaculty of the University of Montenegro, in 1990, 1992 and 1994 respectively.Further, he got his Ph.D. from Faculty ofMechanical Engineering, University ofBelgrade in 1999 with specialization onPlanning and Design of TransportSystems.After graduation he was employed as a teacher in the secondary maritime school fortwo years. At the same time he became teaching assistant at the Maritime Faculty,University of Montenegro - Division of Maritime Transport. In 2001, 2006 and 2011he was promoted into Assistant, Associate Professor and Full Professor, respectively.He was a Visiting Professor of the Korea Maritime University (2006-2007),Department of Logistic System Engineering and College of International Studies -Division of Shipping Management.

His topics are operation researches in transport, traffic and travel operations,queueing theory in transport systems, shipping network planning and modeling ofcontainer port and terminal operations. He is a member of IAME (InternationalAssociation of Maritime Economists) and WCTRS (World Conference of TransportResearch Society).


The seaside operations at seaport automobile terminal (SAT), i.e. the loading process of ships maybe considered as a bulk queuing system. In this case, customers are groups of automobiles, and theservice channels are ships’ ramps operating for the loading/unloading of automobiles. Analyzingsome stochastic and deterministic characteristics of related loading operations, we propose asuitable queue model for describing arrivals and services of automobiles at the ship ramp (service).In this study, we deduce an infinite system of algebraic equations for related steady-stateprobabilities. A suitable recurrence form of this system allows to explicitly express theseprobabilities as a function of utilization factor (service utilization). Of course, these results give apossibility for further investigations and optimizations of several important performances ofmodeling processes at the SAT. To confirm results which have been obtained by analytical model,we also developed a simulation model to operations modeling at the SAT.

The scenario-based traffic modelling of Auto Transporter Trains (ATTs) at the SeaportAutomobile Terminal (SAT) is presented. The main aim of the study is related to the operationalpolicies at the SAT because the statistical analysis shows the difference in turnaround time ofATTs at the SAT. We develop the experimental strategy based on analytical models for fastautomobiles unloading from ATTs, the total yard time (car transport from Ro-Ro ramps forunloading cars from ATT to storage areas and vice versa), the average yard time for one cycle andvice versa and the total time spent during the unloading cars from ATT to storage areas and viceversa process at the SAT. We deduce the suitable expressions for calculating aforementionedperformances at the SAT in relation to the analytical model. Analyzing, calculating and optimizingmoving time of cars from ATT to the storage area and means to calculate a cycle of one driver organg (group, batch). According to the empirical analysis from the SAT in the Port of Bar, theaverage cycle of one gang on the storage area will be calculate by analytical modelling.